English version: Emiliano Brancaccio and Marco Veronese Passarella (2022). Catastrophe or Revolution, Rethinking Marxism, vol. 34, issue 3 (first published online: 7 February). DOI: 10.1080/08935696.2022.2031030.

Versione in italiano: saggio estratto da Il Ponte (6/2020), anticipazione del libro di Emiliano Brancaccio: “Non sarà un pranzo di gala. Crisi, catastrofe, rivoluzione” (Meltemi 2020).

Version en Espanol: Emiliano Brancaccio y Samuele Bibi (2022). Catàstrofe o Revoluciòn, Soft Power, Volumen 9, Nùmero 1. Online ISSN: 2539/2239, Print ISSN: 2389-8232.


“[..] The polemical tone of “Catastrophe or Revolution?” should not detract from the important propositions advanced by Italian economists Emiliano Brancaccio and Marco Veronese Passarella [..] they sketch the contours of a theory of crisis in capitalism around the processes of capital’s centralization in fewer and fewer hands. [..] they argue that “80 percent of the equity capital listed on the world’s stock exchanges is controlled by less than 2 percent of total shareholders.” Developing a complex argument around this empirical observation, they make several interesting conjunctural analyses and produce powerful critiques of several left-leaning policy recommendations. One important observation pertains to the conflicts and struggles among the different factions of capital. While the “larger, more solvent, increasingly globalized” factions tend to benefit from the centralization process, the “smaller, more distressed capitals that mainly operate within domestic borders” find their political language in a revanchist economic nationalism that attempts to recycle certain staple Keynesian policies. Brancaccio and Passarella forcefully argue that only a much more radical—or better yet, revolutionary—resuscitation of the project of collective planning can address the multipronged crisis of conjuncture [..] (from the Editors’ Introduction by Yahya M. Madra, Ceren Özselçuk, Chizu Sato, Zoe Sherman – Rethinking Marxism).


Recensioni a “Non sarà un pranzo di gala” e a “Catastrofe o rivoluzione”